I tend to write about four aspects of politics:
(1) Intellectual traditions of international political economy
(2) Global governance, especially American hegemony and world orders
(3) Comparative democratization, development, and social movements
(4) Contemporary American political thought, Cold War to present
Below is a selection of my published work. I also have a Google Scholar page.
Contesting the Global Order: The Radical Political Economy of Perry Anderson and Immanuel Wallerstein. Albany, NY: SUNY Press (2020). *Winner, 2021 American Library Association Outstanding Academic Title
Articles and Book Chapters
"Utopistics in an Age of Uncertainty," in Capitalisme, anticapitalisme et sciences sociales engagées à l'échelle globale: autour de l’œuvre d'Immanuel Wallerstein, Katharine Wallerstein, Maurice Aymard, Stéphane Dufoix, and David Hugot, eds. (Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, forthcoming).
[Mandarin Chinese translation also forthcoming.]
"A Critique of Deep Engagement, the Social Narrative of U.S. Foreign Policy," European Review of International Studies 11, no. 2 (2024): 248-274. (Paper version won 2022 NPSA/ Pi Sigma Alpha Best Paper Award for the best paper presented at the Northeastern Political Science Association meeting).
“From Africa to the World: The Sources of Wallerstein’s The Modern World-System,” in The Anthem Companion to Immanuel Wallerstein, Chamsy el-Ojeili and Patrick Hayden, eds. (London: Anthem Press, 2023).
[French translation forthcoming in Katharine Wallerstein, Maurice Aymard, Stéphane Dufoix, and David Hugot, eds. Immanuel Wallerstein: 70 ans d’histoire intellectuelle et politique. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.]
"Social history from a bird's eye view: Perry Anderson's theory of international relations," International Politics 58, no. 2 (2021): 259-277.
"What's the Matter with Resentment? Richard Hofstadter's Understanding of Political Paranoia," American Political Thought 8, no. 4 (2019): 528-551.
"Old Ideas for New Times: Radical History in International Political Economy," Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 17, no. 4 (2018): 429-450.
"Will We Know It When We See It? Contemplating Emergent World-Systems," Journal of Globalization Studies 9, no. 1 (2018): 129-149.
"When Opportunity Structure Knocks: Separatism in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation," Social Movement Studies 9, no. 4 (2010): 443-460.
"Immanuel Wallerstein's Work Can Help Us Understand the Deepening Crises of Capitalism," Jacobin (December 5, 2023).
[Spanish translation: “Wallerstein nos ayuda a comprender la crisis capitalista,” trans. Florencia Oroz, Jacobin Latin America, December 13, 2023.]
"The paranoid president," Monthly Review Online (August 11, 2020).
"The brutality of capitalism," Monthly Review Online (July 6, 2020).
Encyclopedia Entries
Encyclopedia of Critical Political Science, Clyde Barrow, ed. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2024).
Ch. 23: "World-systems analysis" (pp. 141-3)
Ch. 135: "Anderson, Perry" (pp. 491-2)
Ch. 239: "Wallerstein, Immanuel" (pp. 713-5)
Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Barney Warf. ed. (New York: Springer, 2024).

Photo by Gregory Williams, Sugarloaf Mountain, Carrabassett Valley, Maine
Interview with Immanuel Wallerstein (and accompanying essay). "Retrospective on the Origins of World-Systems Research, Journal of World-Systems Research 19, no. 2 (2013): 202-210.
Policy Studies
“Sunset Law In Connecticut” (with Carrie Vibert, lead author), Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee, Connecticut General Assembly, Hartford, CT (2007): 1-61.
"Maine's Clean Election Law and Its Impact on Political Parties," Folger Library, Undergraduate Theses, University of Maine.
Review Essays and Book Reviews
"Labor Pragmatism," Perspectives on Politics 14, no. 1 (2016): 145-146.
"Review of The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, by I. Wallerstein," in New Political Science 34, no. 3 (2012): 428-431.
"Review of The New Old World, by P. Anderson," in Socialist History 39 (2011): 100-103.
Reviews (2010-2014) in Choice Magazine:
S. Ridgeway, P. Jacques, The Power of the Talking Stick
A. Carter, People Power and Political Change
I. Clark, Hegemony in International Society
D. Drezner, Theories of International Politics and Zombies
I. Neumann and O. J. Sending, Governing the Global Polity
C. Hill, Grand Strategies
A. Hybel, The Power of Ideology.